Be Free of Unwanted Energies..starting with a Free Energy Check
If you are feeling low or are suffering with a physical problem of some kind, or even feel you are plagued by 'bad luck', then you could be affected by negative energy from an external source. These external sources can include entities (spirits), implants, negative energy sent from another person (whether intentionally or unintentionally) or geopathic stress - see below for a full explanation.
This free energy check is the best way to begin your path to healing, now! Because if we have external forces sending us negative energy or draining our natural positive healing energy (whether through malice, their own survival or entirely unintentionally), this affects our ability to heal ourselves and the success of healing or therapy sessions as it continually affects the flow of energy through our bodies - thereby affecting our mind, body and spirit on many different levels.
Once I have identified whether you have any external negative energy sources affecting you, then you can decide if you would like me to clear them for you and start your energy flowing correctly again, to try to help you get back on form.
To check for the presence of negative energy sources and attachments, all I need is the full name (spelt correctly) of the person you would like me to check. If you would like me to check a pet for attachments then please tell me their name, animal type and gender. If you are able to then please email me a photograph of them too (though this is not essential). You can email this photograph to
Energy checks can be performed on yourself, a loved one, an animal or a property. Property energy checks can be performed on your home, somewhere you are attempting to sell or rent out, your place of work or your own business.
~ What is Energy Clearing? ~
People and animals, even properties, are able to pick up negative energy attachments and other external forces of negative energy. These come in a number of forms and those that I work to remove are:
- Entities
- Implants
- Thought forms
- Negative energy from another person (including spells/curses)
- Geopathic stress
Entities and Implants are very easy to pick up from anywhere, they just catch you when you're vulnerable. Thought forms can come from situations and events in your life, or they can be projected on you by other people.
Other people can also send you negative energy, either with intent (which some people call black magic) or unintentionally (e.g. they keep thinking negative thoughts about you, so this is accidental rather than malicious).
Geopathic stress can come from your environment (whether at work or home). Forms of geopathic stress can include negative energy flightpaths, or portals (where negative attachments can enter your environment), lay lines, fault lines, particular mineral concentrations, running water below the ground, etc - all of which affect the energy vibrations around you.
How can you tell if I have any negative energy attachments?
I can tune into your energies and check for the presence of entities, implants and thought forms. All I need to do this is your full name, spelt correctly. I can check for attachments that are attached to other people as well as yourself. I can also check addresses and animals too. With animals it is a good idea to supply me with a photo given they don't tend to have full names (e.g. 'Harry the hamster' may not be enough information for me to connect reliably!). Or if sending me a photo is problematic you could give me their name and the address at which they live.
How can you tell if I am affected?
I can tune into your energies and check for the presence of these external sources of negative energy. All I need to do this is your full name, spelt correctly. I can check for attachments that are attached to other people as well as yourself. I can also check addresses (for your home, workplace or a property you are trying to sell or rent out) and animals too.
How will you remove these attachments?
I have been trained to remove negative attachments and send them on to their correct location. I have the ability to clear exceptionally powerful attachments over great distances world wide. I do not need to visit you for this energy clearing to take place, and it can be easily performed at any time.
All I need to remove your external negative energy sources is your full name, or your address if you would like me to clear your property of attachments. Any information you provide will be completely confidential and only used for the purpose of your energy check and clearing.
The negative energy source is removed using a healing and energy clearing grid made for this purpose, your name, crystals, my intent and the healing energies of the universe and earth.
How could I have negative attachments?
The negative attachments (entities, implants and thought forms) particularly come to us because we are vulnerable in some way - for example because we are suffering with ill health, stress or just simply lack of sleep and feeling a bit more emotional than usual. This is because when we are feeling low in some way, our vibrations are low too. When we are happy, healthy and feeling carefree our vibrations are high. Low vibrations are what attracts these attachments. They know that people with low vibrations have little protection, they are vulnerable and open to 'attack'.
Once we pick up one attachment it is very very easy to pick up another attachment, because each attachment drains our energy resources, making us feel lower, and bringing down our vibrations further. This is how some people end up collecting a number of attachments at once!
It could also be that someone in your home or workplace is particularly vulnerable at this point in time, and that they have picked up an attachment and brought it back with them. Once an attachment is present in the home or workplace it can attach to the property itself and other people (and pets) there too who are less vulnerable. One attachment can be attached to more than one person, place or pet at once, because the attachments are mostly just feeding off energy itself.
So people (or pets) pick up negative energy because they are feeling low in some way. And when we are feeling low there is something blocking our energies in our own body. So really picking up these attachments originates from an individual energetic issue that if resolved can further protect you from picking up attachments in the future. For more information on this subject or to discuss whether you may have an energy block that is weakening your protection from these attachments, please contact me (Katy) at, and/or have a look at my distant healing pages in the menu.
How long will an energy clearing last?
Well this depends entirely on the individual (their health, happiness and natural protection levels) and their circumstances (who they live/work with, where they live/work and how healthy those are around them), and also the type of negative energy force that we are clearing. Here are some examples of possible outcomes of your clearing.
Ideally your energy clearing would be permanent or at least last for a long period of time. This can happen in many cases. Some people just need the source of the negative energy removing and this gives them the energetic boost they need to remain clear for a good long while. This is what I hope for and strive for in every case.
Sometimes people find that after a clearing they are clear for a while but then they sense that there is negative energy affecting them again from an external source. When this happens, if it is an entity or implant that we have cleared, then it is unlikely that it is the same entity or implant that is returning because I ensure during the clearing that the attachments are sent to where they are meant to be (whether that be to the light or back to the dimension in which they belong, with all means of returning to you removed). So in these cases it is usually a new entity or implant that has entered your environment and attached to your energies.
How can this be? This will be because there is someone in your environment, perhaps yourself, or perhaps even the environment itself, that is vulnerable in some way and has attracted a new attachment by their vibrations falling. If this vulnerable person is yourself or someone else who was included in the clearing you had completed, then their renewed vulnerability is likely because of an internal energetic problem, within their own energy systems. This means that something is blocking the flow of energy within that person that is then causing them to feel low in some way (either causing symptoms of ill health, stress, emotional upset, or tiredness, etc). When this is the case we can perform a follow-up clearing.
Once people are strong and healthy energetically then they are no longer vulnerable to picking up attachments. Our protection grows with our happiness, health and well-being :) So the best way to ensure that your energy clearing is long-lasting is to make sure that you are in the best of health that you can be. If you would like to book a healing of some kind to follow-up your energy clearing then this is advisable where possible, because any attachment present suggests that there is some personal energy work required (because, as I say, attachments are drawn to low vibrations, e.g. energetic blockages). However, it is entirely at your discretion whether you choose to do so, or wait and see what the results of the energy clearing alone are.
What if I need a follow-up clearing?
Because unfortunately some people do need a follow-up clearing, while they work out the source of these negative energies and low vibrations, I have a protocol in place to help you.
a) If you originally booked a lighter energy clearing that did not involve investigating the original source of the attachments around yourself and your home then I will suggest that you book a deeper energy clearing. If you contact me within 10 days of your original energy clearing to say that you feel there may still be an energetic problem then I can offer this follow-up deeper household clearing at a discounted rate. Please contact me for details. Unfortunately I cannot offer this discounted follow-up session if you contact me after the tenth day.
b) If you had originally booked a deeper energy clearing that did involve investigating the original source of the attachments around yourself and your home, then I suggest you book an hour's investigative time (at £39.99 per hr). This will give me chance to look even deeper into your situation and detect where the problem may be coming from and begin energy clearing work in that direction. Sometimes the energy problem needs to be resolved through a series of layers/stages, which is why the problem may not be completely resolved after one deep energy clearing session.
c) If after any clearing for yourself or your household you contact me within 3 days to say there is a problem still, and if in your free energy check I find that new attachments have come in during that time I will clear these free of charge and discuss booking a deeper investigation into why this may have happened. If you feel you need a follow-up clearing within three days of your initial clearing then you must contact me within this timeframe for a free energy check. Unfortunately I cannot offer this free follow-up if you contact me after the third day. The reason for this is that as time goes by, more and more energy clearing will be required to bring the situation back into hand. So if you let me know straight away that you suspect there's a problem then I can resolve the situation more quickly and easily and with fewer interruptions for yourself.
d) Another option is to book a healing for the person that we find is most vulnerable during the energy clearing sessions, as this person may be drawing in negative attachments because of an inner energetic imbalance. To save your time and money, and your health and happiness, it may be vital for this healing to take place in order for you all to be free of attachments.
How much does it cost to have these attachments removed?
My rates for energy clearing are:
£14.99 for one person/pet/address
£19.99 for two people/pets/addresses (any combination)
£29.99 Standard group household clearing (light), includes people and pets at one property cleared as a group. No healing or extra protection included. Basic write-up available.*
£44.99 PLUS package household clearing (light), includes people and pets at one property cleared and checked individually. Mini healings and extra protection included. A more detailed write-up is available to help you learn how to stay better protected.*
£79.99 Deep household clearing, includes people and pets at one property cleared and checked individually at a deeper level for a more thorough clearing and greater protection. No healing or extra protection included. A more detailed write-up is available to help you learn how to stay better protected.*
£99.99 Deep PLUS household clearing, includes people and pets at one property cleared and checked individually at a deeper level for a more thorough clearing and greater protection. Mini healings and extra protection included. A more detailed write-up is available to help you learn how to stay better protected.*
£34.99/hr Investigative energy clearing, includes a deep look into an ongoing energy problem for yourself or your household. A brief write-up is available per hour of energy clearing work (at £4.99 per hr).
* Please note: If your household consists of more than five people/pets in total please contact me prior to booking as an extra charge (min. £4.99) would need to be added.
£19.99 for two people/pets/addresses (any combination)
£29.99 Standard group household clearing (light), includes people and pets at one property cleared as a group. No healing or extra protection included. Basic write-up available.*
£44.99 PLUS package household clearing (light), includes people and pets at one property cleared and checked individually. Mini healings and extra protection included. A more detailed write-up is available to help you learn how to stay better protected.*
£79.99 Deep household clearing, includes people and pets at one property cleared and checked individually at a deeper level for a more thorough clearing and greater protection. No healing or extra protection included. A more detailed write-up is available to help you learn how to stay better protected.*
£99.99 Deep PLUS household clearing, includes people and pets at one property cleared and checked individually at a deeper level for a more thorough clearing and greater protection. Mini healings and extra protection included. A more detailed write-up is available to help you learn how to stay better protected.*
£34.99/hr Investigative energy clearing, includes a deep look into an ongoing energy problem for yourself or your household. A brief write-up is available per hour of energy clearing work (at £4.99 per hr).
* Please note: If your household consists of more than five people/pets in total please contact me prior to booking as an extra charge (min. £4.99) would need to be added.
These prices include all attachment removal and protection for three days. A discount is available on follow-up clearings if required four to ten days following your clearing, if you contact me within this timeframe.
What is the difference between the energy clearing options?
If a more in-depth clearing is needed then I will advise you to book a separate aura healing for £9.99 asap to help you through the detox of the clearing. I will inform you if this is the case, or if you would like to ensure that your clearing includes a healing then please book an aura healing here.
Please note: a brief write-up for £4.99 is available. This will be approximately a paragraph's length.
If only an average level of energy clearing is required then brief healings will be included in the cost, free of charge. The healings will be sent intuitively where and how you need it most (this may be a grounding and connecting up to universal and spiritual energies healing, a release of particular negative energies from around you, general cord-cutting or block removal, or angelic healing to the point physically where you need healing most).
If a more in-depth clearing is needed then I will advise you to book separate aura healings for £9.99 each asap to help you through the detox of the clearing. I will inform you if this is the case, or if you would like to ensure that your clearing includes healings then please book your aura healings here.
Please note: a brief write-up for £4.99 is available. This will be approximately a paragraph's length.
This level of clearing may be all you require for your household to lift your vibrations and keep you fully protected hereon. If you find that new attachments come in then we will need to investigate the cause more deeply.
This can be a good cheaper solution for a household clearing that could resolve the energy problem you are experiencing, or it could be treated as a test clearing to see if any deeper investigation is required in future.
No healing or additional protection is provided as part of this clearing (this is available in the £44.99 light, PLUS package household clearing).
Please note: a brief write-up for £4.99 is available. This will be approximately a paragraph's length.
If your household consists of more than five people/pets in total please contact me prior to booking as an extra charge (min. £4.99) would need to be added.
This type of energy clearing will remove any attachments present at the time of clearing. However it is not a deep energy clearing to work on the cause of these attachments. For example, if there is negative energy coming to the household from an external source (e.g. from a living person or from a spirit or implant not directly attached to the household, as can happen) this clearing does not involve investigation into such circumstances. It is an energy clearing to release the current pressure from the household in order to raise your vibrations to help you stay more protected.
This level of clearing and mini healing may be all you require for your household to lift your vibrations and keep you fully protected hereon. If you find that new attachments come in then we will need to investigate the cause more deeply.
This can be a good middle-level solution for a household clearing and healing. It is cheaper than the deep clearing options but still quite thorough and very effective. This type of clearing and healing could resolve the energy problem you are experiencing, or it could be treated as a test clearing to see if any deeper investigation is required in future.
The mini healings included in this package will be sent to where each person, pet or the property needs it most (this may be a grounding and connecting up to universal/spiritaul energies healing, a release of particular negative energies, general cord-cutting or block removal, or angelic healing to the point physically where the person needs healing most). Additional protection will also be sent to the household for three days following the clearing to help keep you protected while your energies adjust.
Two types of write-up are available for this level of clearing: the £4.99 brief paragraph write-up and the £19.99 detailed write-up (which helps identify how to keep you better protected in the future).
If your household consists of more than five people/pets in total please contact me prior to booking as an extra charge (min. £4.99) would need to be added.
This energy clearing releases the current pressure from the household as well as working behind the scenes on the reason for your attachments in order to raise your vibrations and to help you stay more protected in future.
This level of clearing may be all you require for your household to lift your vibrations and keep you fully protected hereon. If you find that new attachments come in then we will need to investigate the cause more deeply.
No healing or additional protection is provided as part of this clearing.
Two types of write-up are available for this level of clearing: the £4.99 brief paragraph write-up and the £19.99 detailed write-up (which helps identify how to keep you better protected in the future).
If your household consists of more than five people/pets in total please contact me prior to booking as an extra charge (min. £4.99) would need to be added.
This is a deep energy clearing to work on the cause of the attachments that have come to your household. This clearing not only removes any attachments present at the time of clearing (as with the standard and PLUS package clearings) but it works deeply to examine why you have picked up these attachments. For example, if there is negative energy coming to the household from an external source (e.g. from a living person - intentionally or unintentionally - or from a spirit or implant not directly attached to the household, as often happens) this clearing involves investigation into such circumstances and work towards clearing the problem.
This energy clearing releases the current pressure from the household as well as working behind the scenes on the reason for your attachments in order to raise your vibrations and to help you stay more protected in future.
This level of clearing may be all you require for your household to lift your vibrations and keep you fully protected hereon. If you find that new attachments come in then we will need to investigate the cause more deeply.
The brief healings included in this package will be sent to where each person, pet and the property needs it most (this may be a grounding and connecting up to universal/spiritaul energies healing, a release of particular negative energies, general cord-cutting or block removal, or angelic healing to the point physically where the person, pet or property needs healing most).
Additional protection will also be sent to the household for three days following the clearing to help keep you protected while your energies adjust.
Two types of write-up are available for this level of clearing: the £4.99 brief paragraph write-up and the £19.99 detailed write-up (which helps identify how to keep you better protected in the future).
If your household consists of more than five people/pets in total please contact me prior to booking as an extra charge (min. £4.99) would need to be added.
Energy Clearing
x1: £14.99 Single person, pet or property clearing
Energy Clearing
x2: £19.99 Two people, pets or properties
(any combination) (Save 25% over x1 clearing)
Energy Clearing
Standard Group Household: £29.99 Light group clearing for people and pets at 1 property
Energy Clearing
Household *PLUS*: £44.99 Light individual clearings *plus* healings for people
and pets at 1 property |
Energy Clearing
Deep Household Package: £79.99 Deep Individual clearings for people
and pets at 1 property |
Energy Clearing
Deep Household *PLUS*: £99.99 Deep Individual clearings *plus* healings for people
and pets at 1 property |
Brief write-up:
£4.99 Approx one paragraph
Detailed write-up:
£19.99 For all household clearings except standard
Investigative energy clearing:
£34.99/hr |
Please note: I offer a no-quibble money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.